Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just arrived - 到着

Hey Everyone,
We recently made it to Melbourne and we're loving it! We really appreciate everyone that helped us with our final move, Waren, Dan and Alex. We also appreciate having good friends there to help us when we REALLY needed it. Speaking of which, our good friends Nathan and Kylie have taken us in until we're settled in which has been phenomenal.

Just this Wednesday we went to Melbourne central city and took a look around. This city is awesome! The side streets are definitely the way to go, filled with amazing little cafes and foreign food restaurants. Theres amazing street artist everywhere and I also found the magic shop of my dreams! The store owner was one of the best magicians I've even seen, blew my mind!

We'll be heading back to the city on Sunday to check out the Victoria Market place. It was closed last time we went in so we're going back. We'll be sure to post some pics of the market place, there's supposed to be a massive selection of stalls.

9月26日メルボルンに到着。オークランドではダンが空港まで送ってくれて、メルボルンではネイスンが迎えに来てくれた。荷物を郵便局まで運ぶときはウォーレンが手伝ってくれ、アレックスはさよならを言いに家まで訪ねてくれた。4年前、オークランドに着いた時も助けてくれた友達がいる。みんなありがとう。 そして今ネイスンの家にお世話になっている。ネイスンの奥さんのカイリは、料理上手でとても良くしてくれている。8ヶ月になるサイリスはすごくかわいい。はいはいを右手だけでほふく前進のようにして、つかまり立ちもする。
